
Takoyaki party(*^o^*)

I had Takoyaki parties on Monday and Wednesday@(・●・)@ On Monday, I played tennis after school and after that, I made Takoyaki and ate it(^〜^)It was very delicious! On Wednesday, I had a party with Akasaka seminar students and we made and ate Takoyaki again(#^.^#)
I like Takoyaki because it is very delicious and cheap and we can make it easily☆〜(ゝ。∂)I want to have Takoyaki parties again(^O^)


Today, I went to my house early after school so I could see the beautiful sunset(#^.^#)


Teruteru bouzu!

Do you know Teruteru bouze?
It is a Japanese culture and if you make it and decollate it, it will be sunny.
I will play tennis after school but according to the weather forecast, it will be rainy so I made Teruteru bouze and decollated it.
I wish it will be sunny after school(*^o^*)


Orange juice@(・●・)@

This is an orange juiceΣ(゚д゚lll)


I played tennis on Sunday at my university(^v^)
I got up at 6:00 and I went to my university at 9:00 and we played tennis. (I was very sleepy...(^ω^;))I'm not good at tennis but I like to play tennis with my friends(*^_^*)
We played tennis with my friends and Hamada city people and I was given many advice so I thought I became to be good. Also, it was fun for me and I want to practice more then I want to be good at tennis!!

I had a welcome party(*^_^*)

 I had a welcome party on Saturday and we went to Subame that was a Japanese bar.
I was a member of the club that name was "Youth Ending Hunger Shimane" and this club acted as a volunteer. At that time, we introduced myself and talked each other.
Recently, I had a part-time job everyday so I was very tired and I drunk an orange juice then I got drunk...(@_@;)????? But I talked with new members so it was a happy time for me(*^_^*)
After that, we went to JAC that was a recreation facilities and we sung many songs together and I sung AKB48 that was a group of Japanese idol singers. At 0:00, I went to my house. And I want to have a party again(^◇^)



My favorite things(^O^)

I would like to introduce my favorite things.
I like chicks very much so I have many collections of chicks.

This is a pair of socks that my mother gave it me and it is warm when I putting it on so I treasure it.

This is a dish and I bought it at Popura of Takesako.
I use this when I eat the ramen.

I bought this in Ulusan of Korea.
It was about 400yen and it was so cheep and cute!
Now I decorate it in my room.

Also, I bought this at Ulsan of Korea.
This is a sparkling chicken so when I push it, it makes big noise(><;)
When my friend comes to my house, she pushes it many times so it is very noisy(@_@;)

This is my strap of cellphone.
My pet is playing(~_~;)

I have more collections of chicks(^◇^)
If you want to see them, I show them♪


Hello, I am Pippi.

(^・ω・^){ Hello, everyone. I'm Pippi.
I live in Rika's house and I like the seed of the sunflower.
I often eat and sleep so recently, I'm fattening...
Every night, I try to run for diet but it is hard for me.
Some times, I can take a walk in her house but once,I was scolded by her because I went to under the closet...
            Nice to meet you.

Kumamoto Haiya festival pictures(^O^)/

I would like to introduce that we went to Kumamoto to dance!
Please enjoy my pictures(*^_^*)

We rehaersed Haiya dance on the stage!

We performed and I was nervous but it was fun!

There were many foreigners.They looked good in the Happi!

We danced on the road(●^o^●)

This is Japanese Happi and we wear it in the festival.

Many people enjoyed this festival(●^o^●)

Do you know Ama Odori? It was very cool!

This pic is Amaxa. There were beautiful views!

Many people was dancing♪

This Japanese Kimono was very tight(><;)

Thank you(^◇^)


Kumamoto Haiya festival(*^_^*)♪

I went to Kumamoto to dance with my friends and Hamada city people on Friday, Saturday and Sunday)^o^(
We departed from Hamada on Friday's night and arrived at Kumamoto on Sutarday's morning.
We prepared to the Haiya festival and practiced dancing and then, we danced on the stage(@_@;)!! I was nervous but it was very fun for me(*^_^*)
After that, we danced on the street and we could see various dance(^O^☆♪Eveyone enjoyed and I had a very happy time with my friends and Hamada city people^^
On Sunday, we came back to Hamada and I was sleeping in the bus all the time(-。-)zzz Then, we arrived at Hamada and we went to Karaoke♪ We sang many songs and laughed all the time(*^_^*)
It was very very fun holidays(●^o^●)

This is Amaxa!

Kumamoto's Character☆

Japanese Kimono♪


Do you know this?

I found this in my university's rest room!(◎_◎)!!!what do you think it??
This is the toilet paper that is printed to appeal the Hamada city election. I have a right to vote but I'm from Hyougo(兵庫) so I don't vote(⌒-⌒; )I'm sorry for Hamada city。・゜・(ノД`)・゜・。


My high school days@(・●・)@

I was a member of the band that name was "Legen de etoile" in high school.
I practiced playing the guitar and then, we played on the stage many times. It was very fun for me and now we went to different universities each other, so some times we meet and play the instruments together(*^◯^*)


My crazy friends(^O^☆♪

My friends are studying now but...
I'm playing now(^∇^)


I went to Hagi with Akasaka seminar students in February(*^o^*)
There were beautiful views in Hagi and we went sightseeing⊂((・⊥・))⊃
Also there were many delicious food so we ate them and we learned Hagi culture☆〜(ゝ。∂)
We enjoyed Hagi and if you have a chance,please go to Hagi(^O^☆♪