
I'm full \(^o^)/

On Saturday morning, I had a part-time job at AQUAS and it was very tired and I was very sleepy(>_<)
That day, I watched the show of a sea lion while I did a part-time and the sea lion didn't listen to the the breeding person. She acted violently and I was surprised because I haven't ever see such her. I was worried and it seemed that she ate a foreign body and she took a medicine(:_;)  I wish she will get well early k(>人<)

After that, I went to my friend's house and he made dinner(●^o^●) This pic was the pork boiled and it liked vegetables and pork fried and it was the Chinese food. It was very delicious and I was full!! I gained 1.5 kilograms(:_;) I try to exercise(>_<)!!

4 件のコメント:

  1. Looks delicious~ Do you like rice or noodle better?

  2. Your friend can cook very well!!
    I'm hungry now \(^o^)/ww

  3. Nice pictures!!
    I want to go AQUAS.
